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The Markup Elasticity of Monetary Non-Neutrality




Firms’ market power, measured by markups, has risen substantially and unequally across sectors. To evaluate the implications of these trends for monetary non-neutrality, we develop a quantitative menu cost model that covers multiple sectors with heterogeneous degrees of market ompetition. Two quantitative results stand out from the analysis. First, the average markup elasticity of monetary non-neutrality in the United States equals 1. Second, the markup elasticity of monetary non-neutrality would be equal to 1.4 had the markup increased equally across sectors. We provide evidence to support the model mechanisms and predictions, and to differentiate the proposed mechanisms from the existing ones.



上一篇: 政府预算管理体制的运行逻辑(中国国家预算治理大讲堂第9讲)

下一篇: Leverage is a Double-Edged Sword (高级经济学讲座第292期)